The grim task of purging Chaos renegade militia continues with the third installment of my Death Korps display board project. This section features a tank supporting troops on a recon mission, packed with details and visual interest.
Here we are at the beginning of the new year, with the third—and likely final—section of my trench-themed display board for my Death Korps army. This endeavor has been a long-term effort, far exceeding my initial expectations, so I'm glad the building stage is finally nearing completion! If you’ve missed the earlier updates, two in-depth articles about this project are available to catch you up. Let’s dive into what’s new!
For this addition, I expanded the trench network to the right side and broke its linearity by opening up the front, suggesting the battlefield extends beyond the visible edge. This part of the diorama highlights a squad of Engineers on a recon mission to reclaim a lost position. In the background, a Mars Alpha pattern Leman Russ, called in as reinforcements, provides suppressive fire and overlooks the gully.