Frontline Report: A Bridge into No-Man's-Land

It’s been a while, folks! I’d have hoped to post an update sooner, but everyday obligations delayed my hobby time a bit. Fortunately, over the past couple of weeks, I finally got the chance to dive back into work on the next two boards for this project, and I’ve snapped a few photos to document the recent progress. If you missed the previous Frontline Report, feel free to catch up on that first. Now, let’s jump in and see what’s new on the front line!

While the first board focused on a winding network of trenches, I aimed to try something different with this one, all the whilst still maintaining visual cohesion between the two since they're connected. This second diorama is the exact same size as the first (30×30 cm). However, it features a more open environment with varying levels to add depth and variety to the scene, in contrast to the other, which primarily consists of buried fortifications.